04 April 2017


Central New York is in brown but often the Finger Lakes are included. From: http://www.visitnewyorkstate.net/regions/

Good morning ! It's cloudy here in Central New York and I find myself hunting for a bit of sun. It's there, I know it. If you get the chance, check out the "The Seven Stages of Being a Writer". As in life, writing is a journey and this blog put sinto words what I have been discovering about myself as a writer since I picked up my laptop and started writing again. I believe it all has to do with wanting to learn. And that means to be curious about all that is around you.

If you aren't curious, stop and think, have I learned everything I want to? Have I experienced everything I set out to do? If you answer YES then you are very lucky to reach that pinnacle. But if you are honest, you could probably find something that makes you say, Mmmmm .... Come on isn't there? In case you can't come up with any yourself, here are just a very few of the things I still need to learn:
And that is just the few I thought of while looking out the window! Curiosity is one of the greatest feeling/thought processes you can hone and encourage. Watch a two year old child look at the world. What does he/she see? What can they understand? Young children have an irrepressible need to find out about the world. I want to keep that childlike wonder to know more. 

What about you?


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